Friday, May 2, 2008
Avril Lavigne Hoses Her Fans (Yes, She Still Has Them)
Avril Lavigne has become well-known for being a jerk to her fans. Well, the brainless bitch has done it again. A whole bunch of Avril supporters were left stunned Wednesday in San Diego when they showed up for an Avril concert only to be told it was cancelled because Avril had laryngitis. The kicker is that no one in Avril's management bothered to release a statement to the media informing people the concert was off.
"Most of Avril's fans are young girls, who had to travel quite a distance to get to the show," one pissed off ticket-buyer said. "With gas prices what they are, you would have thought that someone would have alerted the local media and radio stations, so that everyone knew the concert was cancelled."
But that would've required thoughtfulness...something neither Avril nor her handlers possess.
The arrogance of these people is staggering. Avril Lavigne should be grateful anyone even cares about her no-talent butt at this point. She should be handing out free tickets to people, not fucking over the few who are willing to buy them.
And no, I don't believe Avril had laryngitis...she just didn't feel like performing her stupid concert and decided to blow off San Diego. Why couldn't she develop a case of real, permanent laryngitis? And then fuck off and die.
Avril Lavigne