Michael Lohan isn't the only lunatic stalker Lindsay Lohan has to endure. Reportedly, Lindsay is also being inappropriately pursued by John Lennon's murderer Mark David Chapman.
"Pursued" is of course relative here...Chapman can't physically pursue Lohan cause he's in prison in Attica, but he can send her creepy letters, and has been.
Chapman, a diagnosed psychotic who is kept in a special cell away from other Attica inmates, reportedly has pictures of Lohan taped all over his walls. Lindsay of course acted in a movie about Chapman called Chapter 27, starring Jared Leto as the fat, deranged Salinger fan. But Chapman doesn't want to fuck Jared...he wants to stick his psycho meat to Lindsay.
Even if Chapman somehow escaped from Attica, I wouldn't go after Lindsay if I were him. He may be a psycho killer but he would be no match for that evil lesbian whore Samantha Ronson. That bitch scares me a thousand times more than any nutcase Beatle assassin. She'll rip a man's sack open with her bare hands, tear the balls out and eat them like grapes.