Wednesday, May 21, 2008

"Flu" Fells Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin Phoenix
really wanted to be in Cannes for the premiere of his new film The Two Lovers...unfortunately, he was too busy getting taken to the hospital with vomiting and dehydration.

Phoenix's rep spun the following explanation:

Joaquin has the stomach flu. He had his dog boarded, his tux in hand but couldn't even sit on the plane. He did go to the hospital to get hydrated, hoping he could get on the plane, but he didn't stay there. He was so sick, and so sorry he couldn't be there with everyone.

The flu. A lot of that going around these days. David Hasselhoff gets that about once a week. And Kirsten Dunst recently had to lay up for a whole month just to let her poor stomach rest from all the flu that was always in it.

What is it with stars and their flu anyway? You'd think that with all their money and fame they'd be happy, and wouldn't need to hit the flu so hard.