Thursday, May 1, 2008

Tom Cruise Will Make Mission: Impossible 4

Tom Cruise is apparently tired of the "serious actor" bit he's tried to pull off in his last few roles, and will now return to playing Ethan Hunt in a fourth installment of the Mission: Impossible series.

“Tom will make Mission Impossible: 4 once Paramount green-lights the script," an insider claims. "There will most definitely be another Mission: Impossible!"

That exclamation point is the source's, not mine. Cause I personally wouldn't pay a nickel to see another Mission: Impossible. Unless it was so hideously embarrassing that one could enjoy it on a pure schadenfreude sort of level.

Actually, come to think of it, Tom's entire life is on a schadenfreude sort of level right now isn't it? And that's why he's returning to Mission: Impossible - it's his big franchise. Never mind that the third one was a flop. Clearly, the fourth time is the anyone who saw Superman IV: The Quest for Peace knows.