The National Enquirer reports (via TMZ) that Will Smith has lent financial backing to a new school that employs methods formulated by L. Ron Hubbard, the famously loopy and money-grubbing founder of the faux-religion Scientology.
The school, called the New Village Academy, does not mention any affiliation with Scientology, but does feature this little nugget on its website, in a section called Glossary of Educational Theories Incorporated by NVA:
Study Technology - An educational model developed by L.R. Hubbard, study technology focuses on three principles. First is the use of “mass” (manipulatives and hands-on experiences) to foster understanding – children need to see and feel what they are learning about. Second is the attention to the “gradient,” which ensures sure students master one level before moving on to the next. Third is the “misunderstood word,” in which students master word definitions and are taught not to read past words they don’t know the meanings of in order to understand completely what they are reading and learning. NVA uses study technology as an umbrella methodology woven through the subjects.
Clearly, this is a Scientology brainwashing effort. I'm sure the school's PE program features a lot of rock hauling. And kids who misbehave will be disciplined by having water dumped on their heads.
Of course, Will Smith does not admit to being a Scientologist. And maybe he isn't. But it is interesting that he's giving money to schools that are clearly Scientology-backed. Obviously, Will has bought into the Scientology jive, even if he hasn't gone so far as to become a full-fledged member.
So, when the Scientology zombies start emerging from these schools and taking over the world, Will Smith will be partly to blame. Thanks a lot, Fresh Prince.