Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Jude Law is Hosing Kimberly Stewart

Jude Law
's stock is dropping faster than Lindsay Lohan's pants in a truck-stop restroom. I mean seriously...Kimberly Stewart? That's what he's reduced to? Making out with a brainless celebuspawn at a nightclub?

Sure, Sienna Miller is a piece of trash...but at least she's a semi-legitimate celebrity who's been in a few movies. But Kimberly Stewart? She might as well be Peaches Geldof for God's sake.

Jude...I know you'll sleep with just about anything, but damn man. If you're not going to respect yourself at least respect the rest of us. Find yourself some cokehead model or a singer in some trendy alternative rock band. Don't make us feel sorry for you on an even deeper level than we already do.