You thought Shiloh Nouvel was a terrible handle to hang a baby with...but apparently Angelina is ready to top even that bit of sadism by naming her new twins Castor and Pollux.
Yes, the Gemini. And guess what Angie's astrological sign is?
Oh Angie...so cosmic. Your sign is the twins and you are having twins. This is clearly the universe's way of telling you how special you are and how special your babies are.
Only one problem...Brad is apparently not on board with Angelina's latest bit of baby-naming insanity.
The Bradster's big problem is with the name "Pollux," which he thinks sounds too much like the word "bollocks." Apparently, Brad is not thrilled with his daughter sounding like she was named after a vulgar term for testicles.
Actually, the whole subject of testicles is a very sensitive one for Brad...given that he has completely surrendered his.
Or, maybe not...if he is in fact standing up to Angelina on this completely absurd matter. I mean honestly, who names their kids "Castor" and "Pollux?" Naming the first one "New Messiah" was bad enough.
This is one Brad needs to win, otherwise...those poor kids.