Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Advertise On Crabbie's Hollywood

Crabbie's Hollywood is a fast-growing entertainment/celeb/pop-culture blog that caters to hip and intelligent readers, mostly of the female variety. That's a train you definitely want to jump aboard, advertiser types! The site currently receives 2500 pageviews/day, over 3000 on most weekdays. Crabbie is offering the following packages:

728x90 Leaderboard (below header, above content - prime location):

1 Week: $25
2 Weeks: $50
1 Month: $100
3 Months: $500

125x200 Banner - Right sidebar, top

1 Week: $15
2 Weeks: $30
1 Month: $60
3 Months: $300

125x200 Banner - Right sidebar, second position

1 Week: $7
2 Weeks: $15
1 Month: $30
3 Months: $150

These are incredibly low CPM rates - less than $2 in most cases. I know for a fact that sites with less traffic than mine charge more than this. So what the hayck you waiting for advertisers? Contact Crabbie at crabbiekins@gmail.com and get signed up.

Crabbie's Hollywood - jumping ugly with the stars since 2006.