Everyone knows Owen Wilson's been canoodling with Kate Hudson (and may have broken up her marriage with that homeless-looking Black Crowe dude), but the Wedding Crashers star has had other recent affairs that have been a tad more private. Oh wait - it's not private anymore because it's in Page 6. The p.r. babe he was hosing (no name given; probably a good thing for her). According to a source, Wilson and the nameless woman were starting to get "serious" (what's serious for Owen Wilson, exchanging names?) when the whole Kate Hudson thing came up, then Wilson dumped the other broad like a bad habit. Quoting the source: "When [nameless jiltee] e-mailed Owen about it, he texted her and said, 'We have to talk when I get back to L.A.' She's pretty upset, but everyone knows he's a dog." Yes, a dog with a nose like Joe Camel.
(source; last item)