If Madonna is looking unusually wrung-out these days, then there's a good reason for it. It seems builders in The Immaterial Girl's London neighborhood have been making a lot of noise lately, preventing her from getting enough shut-eye, and the strain is beginning to show up in her performances.
At one of her recent Wembley Stadium shows, the middle-aged slag had to take a seat in the middle of one of her cheesy sacrilegious numbers, saying, "I only got three hours sleep last night because I have got construction work going on in stereo at my house. This morning I was so tired I thought: 'F**k, I can't do my show.' But I'm getting lots of energy from the smiles on your faces."
Gee Madonna, you sure it's the lack of sleep that's causing you to feel run-down? You sure it isn't menopause? Or maybe divine retribution for all the blasphemy you've been splashing around lately? Or maybe it's just your old, worn-out body telling you it's time to stop traipsing around like a coked-up twenty-year-old and act your age. Just a thought.