Monday, August 14, 2006

Hey Mel. Fido Wants His Dish Back.

Just when you thought stories of Mel Gibson's antics couldn't get any stranger, along comes National Enquirer poo-flinger Mike Walker's report on a Malibu party the Jew-hating nutbag attended only days before his now-famous meltdown. According to Walker's sources (which could be the voices in his own head for all we know), Gibson, in an advanced state of inebriation (obviously), decided it would be a hilarious idea to dump the water out of a dog-dish, fill it with booze, then drink said booze out of said dog-dish, lapping it up with his tongue like a parched pooch - all in front of the other partygoers, who of course were shocked. An even-more-intoxicated Gibson then proceeded to prowl the pool area out back, flirting and pinching asses. The ass-grabbery got bad enough that one female partier even took the step of sending a letter to Gibson's people demanding an apology.

I have to say, even back in my drunken Studio 54 days, I never did anything as crazy as drink booze out of a dog-dish. I snorted coke off of Janice Dickinson's ass once, but that was only after Geraldo Rivera dared me. And of course she had a nice smooth ass then. Nothing like now.
