Jessica Simpson has a hankering to take up theology - an idea that got planted in her head thanks to a certain well-known religion-related conspiracy theory. "I've been contemplating taking a college course in religion," Jessica told Marie Claire. "I love religion. I remember whenever the book The Da Vinci Code came out, the Discovery Channel did this three-night piece on it that I TiVoed and then watched eight times." I'd say Jess is just about in the IQ range of the typical Da Vinci Code freak - those idiots who go on those tours and get laughed at by the Frenchies. I don't know about her plan to study theology though. She might be better served taking up something that can help her career-wise in the future - like hair dressing, or dog grooming, or getting picked up in bars by ex-athletes who don't care that a bitch is a little used up as long as she has nice hooters and will let them cum in her face.