Transformers 2: Rise of the Fan Boys' Penises Every Time Megan Fox Sticks Her Tits Out tops my list of movies not to see in 2009. Won't matter of course - shit will still make a gazillion dollars and there will be a flood of publicity appearances by that tattooed slut and
Shia LaBeouf who will hand out random bits of himself that fell off after his accident. Here's a about we go one year without any idiotic expensive Hollywood blockbusters being released? I'm still not over all the bullshit from this summer and it's only a few months until more starts coming. And don't even get me started on the Oscar hype. No,
Benjamin Button is not that good. Speaking of that movie...was I the only one who was disappointed that they didn't stick a shrunken
Brad Pitt head onto the baby at the end? What kind of fucking cheat was that, using a real baby. CGI that shit, man. And the stuff where they smoothed out all
Cate Blanchett's didn't make her look young, it made her look freaky - like
Nicole Kidman without the plumper.