Monday, December 15, 2008

Of Course This Couldn't Possibly Be True

Page 6 says that Jennifer Aniston was so worried about being manless when her new movie Marley and Me comes out this Christmas against Brad Pitt's Benjamin Butthole thing that she had her people out trying to drum up a boyfriend she could walk the red carpet with. "She didn't want to face the glare of being unattached while Brad Pitt toted Angelina Jolie around," a source claims. This all became moot of course when Jen got back together with John Mayer. And why did she get back together with John Mayer? True love? Or this raging complex she has about competing with Angelina? My God, when will this woman just learn to let it go? Seriously...she is sick. I don't think even Dr. Drew can fix what's wrong with this ho. She needs lots and lots of therapy or drugs. Or Scientology. Fuck, even Scientology isn't strong enough. She needs some of those Carrie Fisher shock treatments.