Mass murderer Robert McNamara has died at the age of 93. Ignorant assholes will not know anything about McNarama, who was the defense secretary during the Vietnam War, making him personally responsible for the senseless deaths of untold thousands of people. He was also intimately involved in devising American bombing strategy during WWII, including the decision to firebomb Japanese cities in atrocious terrorist attacks designed to break the will of the civilian population (nothing makes a man feel more like a man than setting babies on fire with napalm).
The 20th Century was indeed a bloody century, and few had more of that blood on their hands than Mr. McNamara, who must've harbored some guilty feelings in spite of his ingenious, mathematical rationalizations. If you ever want to see a great movie about him, and American genocidal atrocity in general, just watch Errol Morris's brilliant The Fog of War.