Thursday, July 9, 2009
Suicide By Cop
From Wikipedia: Suicide by cop is a suicide method in which a person deliberately acts in a threatening way, with the goal of provoking a lethal response from a law enforcement officer, such as being shot to death.
This sounds like a perfect description of the way the North Korean Fascist regime is behaving. On the 4th of July they launched a bunch of missiles, clearly meaning to provoke a response, and now they have reportedly begun a cyberwar campaign against the U.S. and South Korea, hacking websites and perpetrating DDoS attacks. Their latest offensive has reportedly resulted in the infection of some 20,000 machines in South Korea, whose data will begin being erased starting on Friday.
Washington and Seoul both say they believe these attacks are being perpetrated by the North Korean government. Of course I suppose it's possible they're wrong - this could just be hackers, maybe trying to start some shit by making it look like the North is responsible - but my money is on the North Koreans being responsible.
If this is their way of going out in a blaze of glory, I suggest we accommodate them before they have the ability to retaliate in any meaningful way. Time to make Pyongyang glow in the dark.