Thursday, July 9, 2009

Take That, Blacks

Congresswoman Shelia Jackson Lee made a big show during Michael Jackson's memorial of the resolution she was going to get passed in Congress honoring the late singer and child molester. Unfortunately, not everyone in Congress is a black woman trying to suck up to a bunch of celebrities. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, a white woman (more or less), has intervened on behalf of sanity and put the kibosh on the resolution.

Pelosi's explanation for shelving the Jackson honor? It would have opened up "two contrary views that are not necessary at this time to be expressed." In other words Nancy was afraid some of her colleagues, like the vocally anti-Jackson Peter King, would turn debate on the resolution into an opportunity for a rant against Jackson and all other diseased pedophiles. Which would've been taken by certain people as a racist attack and...well, it's summer and it's hot, and that's how riots get started.