Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Madonna Gives Guy One Last Crack

and Guy Ritchie went out to dinner last night, in an apparent last ditch attempt at salvaging their marriage. I wonder how that went?

Ritchie: "So, what's this I hear about a baseball player?"

Madonna: "How would you like me to shit in your mouth?"

Ritchie: "Stop trying to change the subject."

Madonna: "Or maybe we could hire an Indonesian hooker and play rubber plantation boss. You always love that one..."

Ritchie: "You can't distract me. I want to know about the baseball player..."

Madonna: "Oh, we could have him over too. We could take turns playing with your balls. Or I could dress up like the Virgin Mary and let you shove your head in my twat."

Ritchie: "You're the only one who likes that one."