Sunday, March 27, 2011

Another Good Way To Get Yourself In Trouble

Radu Mazare, the mayor of Constanta, Romania, is in the middle of a shitstorm after dressing up as a Nazi and goose-stepping around on stage at a fashion show.

The offending performance took place at a resort on the Black Sea, and also included Mazare's 15-year-old son. Watchdog groups have already gotten an apology out of Mazare, who claims he didn't notice the swastika on the uniform.

This may sound like just a run-of-the-mill act of political incorrectness, but in fact, in Romania it is illegal to display a swastika, and if convicted of such a crime, Mazare could face three years in jail.

Hilariously, Mazare claims he was inspired to wear the uniform by Tom Cruise's performance as Claus von Stauffenberg in Valkyrie. Yet another example of why it's a very bad idea to imitate Tom Cruise.