"The truth always outs in the end," Mills said in a recent interview. "No one gets away with those things.
"Certain journalists have written horrible things, and then they've got cancer, or they've had a tumor, or they've died. And it's terrible for them, but they've done really evil things. I truly believe things come back round."
My first instinct was to blast Heather for these remarks, but I'm not going to, because you know what? She doesn't sound any different than any other nitwit who believes in karma or cosmic retribution or whatever you want to call it.You encounter shit like this all the time, people who think that some personal wrong done to them is going to be punished by the forces of the universe. Because, as we all know, these forces have nothing better to do than watch to make sure no one ever says anything bad about us personally.
Evidently, these fools don't recognize the fundamental egomania and arrogance underlying their beliefs. They see nothing the least bit self-important about calling upon the stars or the spirits or whatever to fuck to line up on their behalf, and punish someone who has transgressed against them.
Yes Heather is stupid, but she's stupid in such a common way that it's not even worth getting upset about.