Hitler-like nut-job Mel Gibson has hit on a strategy for rehabilitating his battered image - criticizing the war in Iraq.
The Oscar-winning director and accomplished drunken loon showed up at something called Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas Friday, presumably to promote his up-coming movie Apocalypto, and in front of the assembled geeks began holding forth on various matters, including the on-going unpleasantness in Mesopotamia.
"The precursors to a civilization that's going under are the same, time and time again," Gibson said, apparently attempting to pass off his goofy Mayan-language epic as some kind of allegory of modern times. "What's human sacrifice if not sending guys off to Iraq for no reason?"
Does that even make sense? Probably not if it's coming from Mel. But then, making sense is certainly not the point of Mel's words (although, in his own mind, he probably thinks he's being profoundly brilliant). The point is to make himself look like less of a dirt-bag by bringing up the actions of people who are even more reviled than him. Yeah, people may hate Mel Gibson right now, but they really, really hate George Bush.
Could anything be more revoltingly crass and shameless than conveying anti-war sentiments for the sheer purpose of currying favor? I don't know, why don't we ask these three skanks:

Gibson doesn't honestly believe this is going to work, does he? Going Dixie Chicks as a way of getting in good with his elitist buddies again?
"Hey, I hate Iraq, you hate Iraq. Let's forget for a second that most of you are Jewish and I said Jews were responsible for all the wars in the world. That's not nearly as bad as what George Bush has done."
The logic of Mel Gibson: I did something bad, but other people have done worse things, so that means I should be let off the hook. OK. So if I kill your dog, you should just let it go, because Stalin killed millions of his people and we all know that's way worse. Wow. Mel Gibson is a god damn genius.
I wonder how drunk he was when he came up with this shit.