Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Crabbie's Odds

Paris Hilton, arrested several weeks ago for being intoxicated behind the wheel, has now been formally charged with drunk driving.

Odds Paris ends up doing Boy George-like community service work: 50-1.
Odds Paris shows up for her court date carrying a monkey in a pink bag: 20-1.
Odds Paris vomits in the next 24 hours: 3-1.

Katie Holmes's ex-squeeze Chris Klein is good-naturedly shrugging off claims that Katie and Tom Cruise's daughter Suri more resembles him than the alleged father.

Odds Chris Klein gets a visit from Scientologists in black trenchcoats in the next week: 20-1.
Odds Suri grows up to be about 6-foot-two with an endearingly aw-shucks manner: 15-1.
Odds Tom Cruise actually endures all this without some kind of pharmaceutical assistance: 100-1.

Monkey-like tramp Nicole Richie is vehemently denying claims that she has checked herself into a rehab facility over an eating disorder.

Odds Nicole eats an entire turkey sub with extra mayo: 75-1.
Odds Nicole is mistaken for a macaque and dragged off to a zoo: 4-1.
Odds Paris finally pays a hitman to murder Nicole: 2-1.

"Comedian" Kathy Griffin says that ex-90210 star Tori Spelling and her husband Dean McDermott are expecting a child.

Odds Kathy Griffin says something genuinely funny at some point in her life: 200-1.
Odds Tori Spelling puts her face too close to a radiator and it melts: 10-1.
Odds of a man ever vaginally penetrating Tori Spelling without first putting a paper bag over her head: 500-1.

Russell Crowe is flush with indignation over speculative reports that he wishes to portray his late friend Croc-man Steve Irwin.

Odds Russell Crowe punches someone today: 5-1.
Odds Russell Crowe punches someone tomorrow: 5-1.
Odds Russell Crowe sucks a cock today or tomorrow: 1-1.