Thursday, December 11, 2008

Worst Nomination Ever

How the fuck did Tom Cruise get nominated for a supporting actor Golden Globe for Tropic Thunder? That movie wasn't funny and Tom was pitiful. Oh, he dressed up in a fat suit and bald-cap and swore a lot and danced around. But he was playing against type! He's a "dramatic" actor doing comedy! And he danced! And wore a fat-suit! Beyond stupid. If he gets an Oscar nomination too...well, forget it. Just beyond lame. Here are all the nominees if you care. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are both nominated and Kate Winslet is nominated in just about every category. If there were a category for Most Bitching About Her Pictures Being Photoshopped she would win that hands down. By the way need your pictures photoshopped. You should be grateful there are artists who can work on you and make you appear thin and beautiful when in reality you are a fat ugly British troll.