This is what gossip-mavens live for: Madonna and Guy Ritchie's marriage is breaking up. Baseball player Alex Rodriguez is seen sneaking into Madonna's apartment in the middle of the night. Rodriguez and his wife split after five years. Lenny Kravitz has to deny he is having an affair with Rodriguez's woman!
Hold on while I have an orgasm.
Here's what Lenny said to Us Weekly about the allegations he was getting busy with Cynthia Rodriguez:
"There is absolutely no affair between Cynthia Rodriguez and myself.
"This is unequivocally 100% per cent not true. Cynthia is a friend and is here with the godfather of her baby, who is also Alex's trainer, his wife and their baby girl.
"She came here to escape from everything happening in New York City. I opened my home to her as a friend and I find it extremely hurtful that I am now being referred to as an adulterer."
He's totally screwing the bitch. And Alex is screwing Madonna and Guy Ritchie is at home with midget porn and a roll of paper towels, crying and squirting, crying and squirting.
And how big a dirtbag is Alex Rodriguez anyway? It's been reported that he was in Madonna's apartment literally hours after his child was born a couple months ago. "This is one of the happiest days of my life. I know...I'll go share it with the old bag pop-star I've been fucking!"
Does Madonna's poon send out radio signals or something? "Come get me Alex. Don't worry about your wife who just gave birth. She'll be fine. And don't forget to bring lots of lube. You know how dried-up I am."
Keep it up you unbelievable scumbuckets.