Amy Winehouse's people went out of their way to reassure us that Amy does not in fact have emphysema...she only has a lung condition that could become full-blown emphysema if she doesn't change her lifestyle.
Well, that's good news. I mean, it would be horrible to hear that Amy had actual emphysema and was in danger of losing her voice or dying. And it would be even worse to find out that Amy, despite all of this, was back to smoking again...
What? You can't be fucking serious. She just got out of the hospital, and already there's a picture of Amy puffing on a fag? Not to mention the fact that she looks like she hasn't bathed in about ten years?
I don't know about you, but if I got put in the hospital for anything, I'd make sure to at least get a sponge-bath out of it. And if doctors told me my lungs were shriveling up and dying? I'd STOP FUCKING SMOKING!