Victoria Beckham is Transsexual America's Most Wanted after openly lending her support to Project Runway winner and tranny-shitlister Christian Siriano.
The unabashedly homosexual Mr. Siriano first became a target of tranny ire for his use of the term "hot tranny mess" to describe a bad outfit. Then he made things worse by saying of the transsexual community:
If you think of heterosexuals, they have white trash women and trailer parks and we have drag queens and trannies.
An astute observation by Mr. Siriano. Unfortunately the truth hurts...and Siriano's words certainly stung the tranny community, which came out guns-ablazin.'
"Christian Siriano’s comments have outraged transsexuals across the country," said the Transsexual Alliance.
Poor Victoria Beckham got herself entangled in the whole sordid mess simply by supporting Siriano. Now the trannies are out for green alien blood.
"How dare she support this freak!” said a transsexual escort named Dawn.
"She might not have to worry about physical attack but boy is she going to be embarrassed when 50 of us turn up at her next public function and tell the world what we think…No one’s designs are going to do anything for an emaciated stick insect with sparrow legs like her. She might as well stick to the kind of ho-bag outfits we usually see her in. Come to think of it, she’d probably fit in quite nicely in a trailer park.”
Also astute. Really, both sides have made lots of good points. I hope my tranny sister/brothers keep this disagreement on a purely verbal, catty level. It would suck to see them get violent with Posh. I've personally witnessed a tranny beatdown, and let me tell you, you do not want to get stomped by a 240 pound she-male in pair of 10-inch platforms.