A stewardess is suing Jennifer Lopez for $5 million, alleging the singer's dog attacked her while on a plane.
The dog, Floyd, is accused of lunging at flight attendant Lisa Wilson as she walked past Lopez's seat during a 2006 flight. Wilson suffered a bite that caused her to fall over and wrench her back, leaving her with debilitating pain.
There's a 90% chance this Wilson woman is faking it just to get money out of Lopez...but I don't care; I want Lopez to lose and have to cough up the $5 million. And then I want a concerted effort by the Congress of the United States to do something about the blight on our nation represented by obnoxious people and their obnoxious animals.
Why in the fuck do people like Lopez need to have their dogs sit with them on planes anyway? You can't handle a couple of hours without your dumb little mutt in your presence? Are you afraid it will be traumatized if it has to ride with the luggage? Actually, it's neither...it's pure entitlement. You're Jennifer Lopez, so you get to have your dog with you on the plane. And you don't care if that causes inconvenience or discomfort or even harm to other people.
What I wouldn't give for a bolt of lightning to strike this bitch down. It's almost enough to make me turn Christian, just so I could pray for that.