Monday, June 30, 2008
Sienna Miller is Carrying on With Balthazar Getty
Sienna Miller, who claims not to be a slut, is reportedly carrying on an affair with actor/oil heir Balthazar the same time she was supposed to be fucking Matthew Rhys while on the rebound from Rhys Ifans.
Did I mention that Balthazar Getty is married? Now Sienna can add homewrecker to her resume.
Reports have Getty and Miller slinking around Hollywood, trying not to be seen together. "They went to great pains to find a place where they thought nobody would find them," a source told News of the World. "They daren't go out together, so they spend most of their time inside. When they do leave, they go separately."
Meanwhile, Getty's wife Rosetta Millington, a fashion designer, has packed up their four kids and run crying to Italy.
It's also been alleged that Miller's apparent relationship with Matthew Rhys was a smokescreen for her activities with Getty. Apparently, Rhys is friends with Getty, and actually introduced him to Sienna last year.
Still want to deny being a slut Sienna?