Thursday, June 26, 2008

Forcing a Baby Through Her Twat Made Christina Aguilera Want to Vote

Faux-Latina Christina Aguilera told Larry King that having a child has given her a new sense of her responsibility as a citizen.

"Being a new mother, it was really important for me to get excited about this election," Aguliera told the senile old coot.

"I know just what you mean," Larry replied. "I get excited about erections too. Especially the one I have now. Mmmm Toledo you're on the air with Angie Dickinson..."

This is what's wrong with America...that people like Christina Aguilera are allowed to vote. Democracy only sounds like a good idea until you realize there's no mandatory IQ test.

And by the way...Christina dear. You claim to be so concerned about your little baby, yet you are photographed almost every night staggering out of some club.

Christina's so drunk, she thinks she has twins.