Saturday, June 28, 2008

More On Why Clooney Dumped Larson

There are more theories as to why George Clooney dumped Sarah Larson than there are 9/11 conspiracy scenarios. The latest, from the Enquirer's Mike Walker: Larson started fucking with Clooney's domestic affairs; George found out and wasn't happy.

"Word’s just now drifting out from the star’s inner circle that Sarah, who once depended on tips herself as a scantily clad booze-server in Vegas, suddenly started acting like the future Missus Clooney around The Man’s household, cruelly ordering cutbacks to the hefty gratuities Generous George regularly lavishes on his personal staff," Walker reports.

"For months, Clooney had no clue about Stingy Sarah’s sly cutbacks, but when worried staffers finally asked one of his higher-ups if the boss had trimmed everyone’s tips because he was unhappy with their work, the whistle finally blew loudly in the star’s ear and he went ballistic - raging that NO ONE had the right to countermand his orders! Just days after Clooney’s shocking discovery, it was suddenly 'See ya, Sarah!'"

Either Sarah Larson is evil, or someone is trying awfully hard to paint her as evil. Maybe the bust-up with George was more acrimonious than we thought and George is trying to crush her by having his people leak these stories about her. Sarah should come back by saying George has a small pee-pee or that he's gay or wears He-Man jammies or something.