Drama follows the Spears family around like Scarlett Johansson tailing a Barack Obama motorcade (while herself being tailed by Woody Allen). Of course Jamie Lynn's birthing experience was not going to be exempt from this. Star has the details (via I Don't Like You in That Way):
"The baby's heart rate dropped every time she tried to push," a family insider tells Star. "They did an ultrasound and quickly discovered that the umbilical cord was too short." But despite the doctors' dire warnings, the 17-year-old "was adamant about having a natural delivery." Everyone in the room at Southwest Mississippi Regional Medical Center in McComb, Miss., pleaded with Jamie Lynn to listen to the doctors - including big sister Britney. Brit had already been with Jamie Lynn for hours, massaging her back as she endured painful contractions. "But she got mad," says the insider. She told Jamie Lynn to "just have a damn Caesarian," as she did. "Britney then ran out in tears because she couldn't bear to see what was happening."
Then a circus bear came dancing into the room, a bunch of clowns tumbled out of the closet and the whole place exploded.
Jamie Lynn has reportedly decided that having a baby isn't such a wild time after all, and has moved in with Lynne so grandma can take care of it. Doesn't grandma have enough work taking care of Britney? And since when is Lynne qualified to raise a kid? I mean, look at the track record.