Sunday, September 28, 2008


If the above video doesn't disturb you or at least bother you a little then I don't wanna know you. Don't move into my neighborhood. Stay as far away from me as possible. These people are insane, pure and simple. And save your accusations of religious bigotry - I don't care to hear them. I know nuts when I see them, and nuts belong locked up. Eternal shame on John McCain for plucking this maniac Sarah Palin from obscurity and forcing us to deal with her. Country first? No - McCain just wants to be president. He doesn't care how he gets there. He doesn't care if winning means setting his supposedly beloved nation on a road toward final destruction at the hands of a bunch of rapture-embracing crackpots who think dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time. No lie - Sarah Palin really believes that. She learned her history by watching The Flintstones.