Michael Lohan's plan to win back Lindsay's heart has gone completely down the crapper and it's all the fault of his big fat mouth. Actually, it's his big fat typing fingers, which keep hammering out emails like the following, which he sent to X17:
After spending a week in LA, doing charity work and meeting people who want to make positive difference in other peoples lives, only to hear what some of these very people have to say about Samantha Ronson I was sickened. But, then to read the recent article in In Touch magazine, which only corroborated what I heard, I am compelled to state my concerns about the effect Samantha is having on my daughter.
First, it was me for speaking out against Samantha after I was in a deep conversation with Lindsay, only to have Samantha in the background enticing Lindsay to get off the phone with me.. Then my own ex-wife expressed such sincere concern that I felt we had to intervene. Now, Joe Francis is attacked for speaking out about Samantha, when he too cares about Lindsay and is concerned about Samantha’s effect on Lindsay.
Joe Francis is a good person and even a better businessman. He wasn’t a bad guy when he flew Lindsay around on his jet, opened the doors top his home or tried to help, was he? Of course not because Samantha wasn’t around. Sounds familiar with regard to me as well !!!!
There is a lot more to Samantha than meets the eye! Not that what we see is soooo pleasing anyway! I mean, what’s with this …."person"??? Look at the way she “dresses”? Once more, she uses her middle finger more than she uses words! Personally, I think she is dark, hideous and a disgusting representation of humanity!
Have you ever seen her apartment? For God’s sake, when she runs out of toilet paper she tells people to use the cardboard roll. (I was told this first hand).
I heard and know more about Samantha than you can imagine. Yet, while I haven’t exposed her, I know that God will. He will weed her out of Lindsay’s life and at that time, you will finally see Lindsay back in the place in her heart and mind that God wants and she belongs. Hopefully, without Samantha causing more damage than she already has.
Did he seriously just cite Joe Francis as his notion of a solid person? That right there sapped whatever credibility he may have had. Lindsay would be better off in the company of Ted Bundy and Jack the Ripper than Joe Francis...or her father for that matter. Of course, I still think Sam Ronson is a hideous leech but whatever...Lohan's an adult now and needs to step in her own shitpiles and learn to wipe the stuff from her own shoe. Thankfully she's not afraid to tell her father where to stuff it, as evidenced by the email she sent Page 6:
My father obviously needs to be on medication to control his moods. He is out of line and his words show how much anger he has, and it's dangerous and scary as it reminds me of how he treated my mother and I my whole childhood. He needs to be stopped. This is yet another reason why we aren't speaking.I am in a great place in life. I have overcome a lot and have been able to learn how to enjoy and appreciate my life in every way possible. I'm proud of myself for being able to make a change in the past year and a half.
My past is behind me, and that's final. There's nothing more to be said. All the false accusations that people try to make are simply because there's no story when things are calm and good.
But they might as well let it go because their lies don't affect me anymore. Samantha is not evil, I care for her very much and she's a wonderful girl.
She loves me, as I do her.
Clearly, Samantha wrote that for her. But I'm sure the spirit of it is true to what Lindsay honestly believes in her wounded little heart. She is a sad confused person who can't distinguish between exploitation and love, and Michael and Dina made her that way.