The nuts are claiming Joe Biden is set to step down as Barack Obama's running mate so Hillary Clinton can slide in and take the position she should've been given in the first place. The rumors say "health reasons" will be cited as causing Biden's withdrawal, when the truth is that Obama's people are afraid of the Palin factor, and are almost equally terrified the loose-lipped Biden will say something so horrific it will derail the whole campaign. It saddens me that someone like Joe Biden who I think is a fantastic, honest and smart guy is seen as a liability when a complete empty dress like Palin is viewed as a positive. I honestly don't think the Democrats should be that worried about her though. Even most Republican drones, once they start listening to her, will have to realize how stupid she is. And maybe then it will dawn on them how insulted they should feel at being made to swallow such a load of bullshit in the first place.