Monday, September 22, 2008
Don't Tell Olbermann
New York Times columnist Frank Rich branded Joy Behar "Edward R. Murrow" after she grilled John McCain and called him a liar on The View. Keith Olbermann immediately threw a fit. Comedians are now the most credible journalists we have in America, a fact that is disturbing to some people. But why is it disturbing? The court jester was the only one who could speak the truth to the King (true, the jester often got his head chopped off, but that's the risk you take). Point is, I don't care who's asking the questions, as long as someone's asking the questions.
The really disturbing thing about this, if you care about what kind of people are about to occupy the White House, is that Cindy McCain actually complained afterward about the grilling. Apparently, Cindy thinks she and John should be allowed to skate right through to Inauguration Day without ever being asked anything about anything. That sense of entitlement is exactly what's wrong with politics. McCain thinks he's owed the presidency because he suffered for 5 years in the prison camp and he's put in his time in the trenches of the Senate. The presidency isn't a job to him, it's a retirement plan. And Cindy wants all the perks and the prestige too. Fuck both of them right in the ass.