Thursday, September 25, 2008
Things We Need Like a Hole in the Head
Johnny Depp has signed on to return as swishy pirate Jack Sparrow in a fourth installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. This despite the fact that not a single sane person on the face of the earth who doesn't stand to benefit financially from such a film wants there to be a fourth installment in that particular franchise. The first Pirates: Mildly amusing big-budget nonsense. The second Pirates: Mildly amusing big-budget nonsense degenerating into clattering self-indulgence. The third Pirates: Clattering self-indulgence degenerating into mindless incoherence and CGI overkill. What will the fourth Pirates be? Maybe they shouldn't even bother with the movie and just have people line up to be kicked in the face. By the way, Keira Knightley has already said she won't do another one of these no matter how much money they offer her. Even dumb twats can sometimes show common sense. Johnny? Hard to say...
Johnny Depp,
Keira Knightley