Thursday, September 25, 2008
Can't Hack It
The above purports to show Lindsay Lohan losing her shit halfway through a photoshoot. Star says Lohan is boozing and snorting coke again and everyone in her life is fearful she is going to crash. What's that "again" shit. Earth to idiots: She never stopped. Honestly, you thought she was eating Sam Ronson's tuna while sober? No one in the history of earth has ever put their face anywhere near Ronson's crotch without being totally bombed on something. Lohan tried pre-emptively shooting down the Star story, saying "Star magazine is going to publish another ridiculous story about me - then again it’s not like their track record is up there with the New Tork Times." No sweetie. And it's not like yours is right up there with Kate Hepburn's.
Lindsay Lohan,
Samantha Ronson