Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Move Over Keira

Welsh chanteuse Duffy admits she's having a hard time adjusting to the attention that comes with having a hit record. "As a girl I thought I was superhuman... but I'm borderline on a breakdown," Duffy says. "The scary thing is that this feels like the beginning. It would be easy to become a recluse... I have sold my soul."

Oh, I'm sure you'll be fine Duffster. Just follow Keira Knightley's lead. Claim you despise fame, then sign huge contracts to have your picture taken for billboards and magazine advertisements. Then do tons of interviews where you spill your guts about every tiny detail of your life...including the fact that you hate having no privacy. Then stop eating entirely and become so consumed with rage that no one around you can stand you and people in the business start rooting for you to fall on your face. Then do the one thing Keira hasn't done yet but we wish she would do: Die.

Or I suppose you could just beg for mercy (yeah yeah yeah).