Tuesday, September 2, 2008


The Palin family is getting beat up worse than a fag at a Texas barbecue. Most of the bad stuff centers on Bristol Palin, Sarah's 17-year-old daughter, who has gone and gotten her tarty little self knocked-up. The timing of this revelation was sort of unfortunate as it came upon the heels of a big liberal media-stoked rumor that Sarah's Down Syndrome baby Trig (nice name fuckstick) was actually Bristol's. Now things have been ratcheted up another notch thanks to the baby's father, a hockey-playing little twit named Levi Johnston. Clearly, the McCain/Palin camp didn't get to Levi fast enough with the hush-money, because he's already blabbering away on his MySpace page, saying he "doesn't want kids." Of course he doesn't want kids - he's in high school. And he's a complete dipshit as this self-description from his page attests:

I’m a fuckin’ redneck who likes to snowboard and ride dirt bikes. But I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some shit and just fuckin’ chillin’ I guess.

Ya fuck with me I’ll kick [your] ass.

He forgot to mention how much he likes tail. Are we sure this guy wasn't also responsible for Trig? We need a DNA test. Jesus, those Palin bitches pass themselves around like Thanksgiving gravy don't they? We only thought Bill Clinton was redneck - just wait till these fuckers take over the White House. It'll be like the Beverly Hillbillies. Unless of course McCain comes to his senses and sends the whole fuck-happy lot of them back to Dickmunch, Alaska where they belong. You know Mitt Romney's got to be beside himself right now. "They passed me over for this load of Stepford Whores?" That is one angry Mormon.