A leaked audio tape made by John Lennon shortly before his death features the former Beatle recalling the time he almost had sex with his own mother Julia. The tape has come out to help publicize a new book about Lennon by the writer Philip Norman - a book both Yoko Ono and Paul McCartney are said to be furious about. The book also alleges that John tried to get in on with Paul when they were young. The audio can be heard here (clicking opened Windows Media Player for me - don't know what it will do for you). A transcript of Lennon's incestuous reminiscence:
I was just remembering the time I had my hand on my mother’s tit in 1 Blomfield Road.It was when I was about 14.
I took a day off school, I was always doing that and hanging out in her house.
We were lying on the bed and I was thinking "I wonder if I should do anything else?"
It was a strange moment, because I actually had the hots for some rather lower class female who lived on the other side of the road.
I always think that I should have done it. Presuming she would have allowed it.
Lennon had a weird relationship with his mom to begin with. Julia couldn't handle her shit, and John ended up being raised by her sister Mimi (after his own father Alf tried to kidnap him to New Zealand). Julia was more like an aunt he hung out with - then of course she got run over by a policeman. All his life John was making these pain-racked songs about his mom like "Julia" and "Mother," the latter of which features all that crazy primal-scream stuff. Obviously he was twisted in all kinds of semi-psychotic knots about her especially after she croaked it. No shock to hear he had some weirdo sexual fixation. Dude's head was a nest of snakes.