Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sure Joaquin

Joaquin Phoenix denies that his switch from middling acting to bad rapping is all part of some hoaxy multi-media art project experiment thingamabob, but insists he really means to become a musician. "The transition from one career to another is never seamless," said Joaquin's rep. "It should come as no surprise to anyone that Joaquin came from a musical family, in addition to winning a Golden Globe for his portrayal of Johnny Cash. He intends on exploring his musical interests despite speculative, negative or positive reactions." Did that rep really point to him winning a Golden Globe for pretending to be a singer as evidence of his musical credibility? It just has to be a bit. Joaquin the meta-performer. It's tiresome already, the whole does-he-mean-it-or-not schtick. It's like Andy Kaufman without the wrestling trunks.