Inside sources
are spilling the beans about the truth behind
Joaquin Phoenix's big career change from acting to music. Basically, the whole thing is a joke (as I believe I told everyone from almost the very start). "It's a put-on," revealed a Phoenix insider. "[Phoenix said] 'I'm going to pretend to have a meltdown and change careers, and
Casey [
Affleck] is going to film it.'" Like I said before, Joaquin is clearly bored with
M. Night Shyamalan movies and crappy things about firefighters and is looking for something a little more interesting, a little more hip and meta. I'm certain this whole thing will be a reality show or a documentary and Joaquin will go around explaining the whole thing and making everyone think he's really clever and deep. Of course, there's always the chance Joaquin will become so immersed in the "character" he's playing that he won't be able to get back out of it, and will actually begin believing he is Joaquin the bad rapper and not Joaquin the bored actor. That's when the lobodomist steps in.