Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Scaring The Children

Maggie Gyllenhaal has hooked up with Fisher Price to launch a new line of eco-friendly baby gear, plus she showed up at some big event to present a $250,000 check on behalf of the toy manufacturer to some conservation society. Great. She supports children and the environment. And she's also against cancer and rape, I'm guessing. Wow. She cares. So much. About good things. Unfortunately, all the little kids at the Fisher Price deal are now going to have nightmares after being exposed to Maggie's pug-nosed, jowly hideousness. And I say this shit has to stop. No more Maggie's face in public. Put a bag over the bitch. Hell no, we won't go...wherever Maggie is until she stops inflicting her ugliness on us.

I would like to officially declare myself the Martin Luther King of the anti-Maggie Gyllenhaal's Face movement. I have a dream: That one day, no child will have to lie awake at night sweating and pissing their pants because they can't get the image of Maggie's mutant mush out of their little tortured minds. No justice, no peace.