Britney's skeezy pap lover Adnan Ghalib is peddling videos he's made of the disintegrating pop-star, claims News of the World. Predictably, the videos do not show Britney in a flattering light. NOTW's account of the three clips that have been made available:
CLIP No1 shows Britney sitting on her bed wearing a nightie. She talks about herself in the third person and rambles about her childhood. She's heard saying:"When Britney was a child, she had to work really hard. When she was 13 years old, she won all the beauty pageants."
CLIP No2 shows Brit wrapped in a white bath towel, again perched on the edge of the bed. Talking to thin air, she mumbles:
"Britney has an angel looking out for her, don't you, angel?"
CLIP No3 sees Britney talking to Adnan, who's holding the camera, and calling him by his pet name Bubba.
She smiles: "I'm really happy. Bubba's here for me now. It's all good."
The tab claims there are six videos in all, three of which Ghalib is holding back. The pap, it's alleged, is seeking $2 million for the whole collection. I think he's underestimating the market though. I think there's someone out there who would gladly pay $5 million for that shit. It's Britney Spears, bitches. If the world is nothing but a crazy train, then Britney is the freaking conductor. She's up there in the engine with a big old hat on yelling "Woo-woo" at the top of her lungs. Hell, $10 million might be more like it.
Seriously...Britney's relationship with Ghalib has got to be one the most fucked-up in history, doesn't it? I mean, I've heard of co-dependency, but co-exploitation? That's basically what this deal is right now. Britney gets her perverse kicks by stringing this poor peasant along, and Ghalib gets paid by glomming on to poor friendless attention-starved clueless Britney and selling the footage. Of course, it's possible I'm being completely naive about the whole thing. It's possible Britney participated willingly in the creation of the videos and will get half of whatever they bring in.
Actually, when you think about it, the whole Britney/Ghalib association makes perfect sense. Britney's whole life is one endless reality show. She makes money by striking deals with photo agencies which document said life. It's merely a matter of convenience, having one of the paps as a boyfriend. He can get the real inside exclusive stuff that no one else can, then sell it, then split the money with her. The more I think about it, the more I suspect that Ghalib and Britney are probably in a room someplace counting their cash and giggling at all us idiots. Or maybe I'm giving Britney too much credit? I don't know. I just have a feeling that, when the truth is revealed, we'll find out the whole thing was one big sham. Britney was never crazy, and Ghalib was specifically hired to be her personal pap. Will that be a scandal, or will everyone just yawn?