What was Britney Spears doing outside a Beverly Hills Elementary School at 3 in the afternoon on January 7?
Witnesses have Spears standing outside one of the school entrances, scantily-clad, puffing a cigarette and talking to herself - in other words, looking like the majority of the mothers of the kids. One brave soul approached Spears to ask her what she was doing there. Spears answered, "I’m here to pick up my kids." She then realized how stupid this sounded - since everyone on earth knows her kids are too young for elementary school - so she changed her story to, "They aren’t my kids; I have a new attorney, and I came to pick them up for her.”
The witness had her wits about her enough to reportedly ask herself, "Who in their right mind would let her pick up their kids?"
Britney was allegedly led to a different entrance by the concerned citizen. The singer waited around there awhile longer, then got bored, hopped in her car and drove off. Oh, but she did say one more thing to the kindly soul before making her exit:
"You’re so nice. You should give me your number. I don’t have very many friends."
The only unanswered question: Did Britney speak in a British accent or a trashy Louisiana twang?