Hillary Clinton won Nevada yesterday (though there's some dispute over whether she or Barack Obama actually got more delegates - it's too complicated for me to worry about), while John McCain carried South Carolina in a tight race over Mike Huckabee. I don't know about you, but to me, the races feel like they're already over - it will be Clinton v. McCain in the general election. The only thing left is for them to pick running-mates. I've gotta believe Hill will go with Bill Richardson while McCain will take Lindsey Graham. McCain really ought to throw Fred Thompson a bone in the process - since Fred won him South Carolina by syphoning votes away from Huckabee. Maybe President McCain could appoint Thompson Secretary of Jowls or perhaps Ambassador to Whatever Dreamland Fred Thompson Lives in That Made Him Think He Could Be President. It is going to be a vicious race between Hillary and McCain at any rate. Look at that picture and tell me they don't hate each other's guts.