Thursday, January 24, 2008
Update: Ledger Masseuse An Even Bigger Idiot Than We Thought
The masseuse who found Heath Ledger dead in his bedroom called Mary-Kate Olsen twice before dialing 911, according to police reports. The New York Daily News quotes the masseuse as saying she called Mary-Kate "for guidance."
Let's go into someone's bedroom and set up your massage stuff (this is from the police report too), then shake the guy and he doesn't respond. So you call Mary-Kate Olsen and ask her what to do. Then you shake Ledger again and realize he's cold. So you call Mary-Kate a second time and tell her, "I think he's dead." And then you call 911.
What guidance did you need, masseuse? Someone's in their bed, cold and fucking 911!
In the masseuse's defense...emergency responders said Heath was probably dead "for awhile" before they arrived. But who knows? Those few minutes spent getting in touch with Mary-Kate Olsen may have made a difference.
All I know is, if you need Mary-Kate Olsen to tell you what to do in any situation, you are a serious moron.
Update: The masseuse, it's now been revealed, called Mary-Kate Olsen not twice but three times, spending a total of nine minutes on the phone, before calling 911. By the way, the masseuse's name has now been revealed: it's Diana Wolozin.
If you know this woman, please, do us a favor and slap her in the teeth.
Heath Ledger,
Olsen Twins