Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sally Field Chews Out SAG President, Frightens Sandra Oh

Sally Field aka Norma Rae reportedly went on a rampage during the recent SAG Awards. Field, angry over SAG's tardiness in beginning negotiations with the studios, allegedly got up in the face of president Alan Rosenberg, then continued her assault in various other locations.

"She cornered Alan and heatedly told him off," a witness said. "Then, she proceeded to lobby other actors on her way out of the tent, where she berated a Spanish news correspondent in front of Sandra Oh. Then, not yet satisfied by the commotion she was causing, she trapped Alison Janney on the curb as they were waiting in line for their limos."

Sally, girlfriend - Norma Rae was 30 years ago. Don't you think it's time you got out of character?

Sally's rep is denying the whole thing of course.

"She was sitting next to Alan at the table and wanted to talk to him," says the rep. "She didn't corner him. She thought talks should have begun sooner and was trying to relay information from other actors that contract negotiations should begin sooner rather than later, and he became incensed. She had to raise her voice to be heard over his. She has every right to express her opinion to him."

Yeah, but does she have to make the poor guy wet his pants? I mean, that's The Flying Nun for God's sake. How would you feel if she suddenly started spitting all over you like a maniac?
