Saturday, January 26, 2008

Tara Reid Feels Persecuted

Tara Reid thinks the press is picking on her, and that just ain't right. The oft-drunk party girl insists she never did anything to deserve such scorn - unlike certain other young skanks.

"What have I ever really done?" Reid says. "Dance on a table? When Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton got their DUIs they got punished, they deserved it.

But my punishment, I don't feel like it fits the crime. I don't understand why people punish others for being happy."

I don't even know where to begin Tara. First of all, no one really cares enough about you to "punish" you. Your press coverage is more mocking than anything else, and let's face it, you brought that on yourself. You wanted the attention - or are we supposed to believe your boobs came out of your dress on accident all those times? Not likely.

Furthermore, you my dear are clearly not happy. Happy people don't get hammered every damn night of the week, and they certainly don't spend thousands on plastic surgery, then more thousands to reverse the effects of the original surgery. You are in abject misery every day of your life, and frankly, that's how we want you to be. If you became truly happy, you would no longer be good for even the few chuckles you give us once every few months. And really, what else are you going to do with your life? Are you going to start up a bed & breakfast or maybe go back to college and go for that law degree? No. You are a silly drunk whore's what you were born to be, and you perform the role adequately.
