It's not like Tom Cruise needs to prove he's a man anymore. Nuh-uh. Everyone knows it. Just look at him - fucker exudes virile masculinity. And his man-musk is so powerful it causes female moose to explode from sheer sexual arousal (which is why he's been banned from Saskatchewan).
But just in case we had any doubts about what a man Tom is, he's gone and ordered himself a new motorcycle.
Oh, but not just any motorcycle - not for Tom Cruise. He's bought himself nothing less than a shiny new limited edition Ducati Desmosedici RR, valued at $72,500. And not just any new Ducati Whateverthefuck either - he's gonna get the first one to roll off the assembly line.
"We are delighted to be able to deliver the world's first production unit here in the USA to Tom Cruise, who is a well-known Ducati enthusiast," said Michael Lock, head of Ducati North America.
So Ducati has no problem being associated with Tom Cruise? That's good. Cause right now no one else will touch him.
Those Euros - they seem a little behind on this shit. They're the only ones who still like Michael Jackson too.